Introducing KANOMAN, our avatar generator project. It will be officially operating at the opening of JANEFO #1, an exhibition by Langgeng Art Foundation, curated by Enin Supriyanto.
Aaight, see you guys at LAF, Suryodininingratan 37 YK on Jan 31st, 2012. 7.30 PM sharp.
hell yeah!!!
Jogja New Emerging Forces: The First Batch
JANEFO is a series of our biannual exhibition. It is an acronym for Jogja New Emerging Forces, and also wordplay from GANEFO (The Games of the New Emerging Forces), which was founded by Ir. Sukarno, Indonesia’s first president who happened to be an art lover. Basically, JANEFO is group show of young artists presenting new challenging ideas. For the first batch of this platform, we invited six participants (both individuals and groups) based on their particular practice upon a specific practice/medium; sound and music, video, graphic design, toys and games, public art and online activism.
They are: Andrew Lumban Gaol (b. 1986, street artist, the founder and only member of Anti-Tank Project); Ishari Sahida ‘Ari Wulu’ (b. 1979, musician, founder of one of the earliest electronic music community in Yogyakarta, Soundboutiqe, and also the inherited of Yogyakarta Gamelan Music Festival which was founded by his father Sapto Rahardjo); Harwan ‘Achong’ Panuju (b. 1976, videomaker, one of the leading members of X-Code, a video community and production house); Indieguerillas (formed in 1999, consists of Santi Ariestyowanti, b. 1977, and Miko ‘Otom’ Bawono, b. 1975, visual artist duo that is known for their urban design approach throughout their contemporary works); TheDeoMixBlood (formed in 2009, consists of R. Bonar Diat S. P. ‘Otong’, b. 1980, and Fahla F. Lotan ‘Dilla’, b. 1990, visual artist duo making robotic characters); Pamityang2an (formed in 2010, consists of more than 15 active members with different professions, launched themselves for the first time as a QWERTY radio that broadcasts through Twitter ID @pamityang2an and can be heard from all mobile devices and gadgets connected to the Internet).
Each and every one of the abovementioned artists is challenged to initiate a new project with one starting point: A closer look into the development of media and information technology in relation to bodily experience and it’s use in our society. After series of intensive discussions, be it in a forum of all the participants or separately between the artists and us, one issue came up vaguely: Sharing.
Andrew Lumban Gaol ‘Anti-Tank Project’
Harwan ‘Achong’ Panuju
Ishari ‘Wulu’ Sahida
Tuesday, 31 Januari 2012, 19:30 PM
31 Januari 2012 – 14 Maret 2012
Open Daily : 11:00 AM – 19:00 PM